
Client Case Study - Medway and Swale ICP


The Board of an Integrated Care Partnership needed to build a shared understanding of how the 14 member organisations could work and deliver together as an ICP. 

They wanted to get really clear on the tensions that were holding them back, identify where people were already working well across boundaries, and understand what the ICP meant to staff and partners.
"We have included a number of recommendations from your work with us into our place development plan for 2022/23

We have had very positive feedback on progress with our OD work and our future plans from the CCG and NHSE/I"

Community Health Director of Strategy; Health & Care Partnership Programme Director
The Approach

The work was led by a senior associate, Andy Jenkins, along with Ascend Director Sam Charles.

We conducted a series of diagnostic interviews with Board Members, Primary Care and acute Clinicians, Managers, Council and Community stakeholder. 

Our comprehensive diagnostic report was presented to and discussed at the ICP Board. The report included:

- Detailed insights, examples and quotes that brought to life the challenges and opportunities, built around a 6 step framework that created a common language for all parties

- Case studies of ICP/ICS good practice from across the UK, which highlighted what was needed to be successful and how to get there

- A comprehensive set of recommendations which were prioritised and aligned to existing programs and initiatives